
"Mirror//Self Portrait"
Oil Painting on canvas, 50"H x 28"W
When I open the inner window, what flows from there is a secret part of my soul communicating to me.
Fascinated by the way that symbols have played a part in humanity's quest for meaning, I pull this into my work, utilizing the body as metaphor to express emotional concepts by feeling the action as one would in dance, then in turn expressing that energy to the canvas.
As an artist in an era of multimedia, I find myself pressing against the bounds of the flat, two-dimensional plane of the painting when expressing movement, causing an eruption of objects cascading in a series of rhythms across the surface. This multidimensional view creates a feeling of truth, as the reality of an object is more than just one moment in time.
In this body of work, I am explored themes of creative survival in the face of barriers, internal and external. It is about the dissolution of structure and transformation into something new across time/dimension/form. An impetus toward a new beginning. A freedom. An unfolding of the seen and unseen... and a flight into an open sky.
In this self-portrait above, I sit cross-legged, hands in layered gestures showing the multidimensionality of my being. Hands claw at the canvas edges, shattering mirrored illusions of my past self. Energetic lines radiate, echoing the divinity within. The work symbolizes my inner power and personal evolution.

Oil Painting on canvas, 8"H x 8"W

Oil Painting on canvas, 44"H x 32"W

Development shots